Sunday, March 21, 2010

To Do Pre-shift or Not? That is the Question...

Hahaha. I ended my preshift meeting with my agents with a blast. Pure English, no vernaculars, no non-sense. I’ve been doing it for a year. And should I say I’ve been an expert in handling meetings? Naaaah.

I’ve finished a course in handling meetings and it says there that during the meeting, there are several people who forms part of the group with a plethora of personalities, opinions and what not. There are some who will just remain quiet and listen to every bits and pieces of your agenda. There are some who takes away the spotlight from you. Whatever the case may be, the paramount purpose of the meeting is basically to communicate things out and to drive everyone to the direction you want them to take. Sometimes meetings can put you on to something where open-ended question will make you think and do introspect of your comprehension, or if you are just hallucinating with the fact that you have understood or just plain, "deadma."

Preshift is just one of the things I enjoy. But honestly, sometimes, there are times that preshift tends to be repetitive. It goes into cycle. A team leader should be very creative in exploiting this time. Because the moment you open your mouth and your folks senses the mediocre or worst your imbecile points, your dead. It is worsen when someone raises their hand (or in some cases,just blurts out, without having the conscience or that person might have garbled the word RESPECT in their dictionary) and tells you, "TL, that’s not written in the Updates." And you cram yourself to dig the info out.. and yes, your performer is right. ROFLOL.

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